
Perfect Crime
Short Mystery
A San Francisco wife plots to murder her philandering husband by being in two places at one time.
The clever wife commits the Perfect Crime -- and starts an exciting life with a sexy new boyfriend, living off her dead husband's generous life insurance policy.
Until her doorbell rings one night . . . .
Missing Persons
Short Mystery
A retired college professor uncovers old love letters buried in the garden of his new home. He makes inquiries of the former residents and learns a WW II war hero and his young wife lived there 50 years ago.
But the war hero's young wife disappeared in a storm and her body was never found. Her former college lover also disappeared.
The professor is determined to understand the mystery of the missing wife and her lover. As a former scholar, he wants to know what happened. He ask questions, researches in libraries and archives, and makes a startling discovery in his home.
But should he reveal the truth . . . or let it remain a mystery?
The Stalker
Short Mystery
A school boy is bullied by a classmate to follow a beautiful young woman when she gets off a bus after work. He follows her home and becomes fascinated about her private life and her beauty.
He encounters her a few years later when he's a teenager and discovers her name and sees photos of her family.
Years later as a professional consultant, he advises her on a business venture but doesn't reveal his past fascination with her. By now, his curiosity has become an obsession -- that ends in a shocking conclusion.
Weekend Guest
Short Story
Sheila and Ryan were lovers until she disappeared one day, leaving a cryptic note. Six months later, Sheila shows up at Ryan's apartment and dazzles him with grandiose tales of her new, exciting life.
But something isn't right. Sheila's stories change, she acts bizarrely. She gets suspicious phone calls and evades Ryan's attempts to understand her behaviour After a tender night of passion, Sheila departs with no explanation.
In the morning, Ryan reads the Sunday newspaper, alone. Sheila's surprise weekend visit and her behaviour are revealed in a front page story.
Short Mystery
Former high school football teammates meet at a wedding ten years after a violent tackle on the football field crippled one.
The crippled teammate -- whose promising college tennis career was ruined -- is a bartender at the wedding reception. His teammate is the arrogant groom.
Revenge becomes a deadly wedding present.